05 May 16:33 GMT

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Shipping - Foreign Trade
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Collection owner:
Sandra Cifuentes Dowling (0 pts)

49 total concepts
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Term/concept Concept submitter
B/L purchase - rob measurement en posesi�n del conocimiento de embarque - medici�n ROB (Spanish) Sandra Cifuentes Dowling 
block and tackle aparejo de poleas (Spanish) Sandra Cifuentes Dowling 
bulk carrier buques graneleros / buques de carga suelta (Spanish) Sandra Cifuentes Dowling 
bulk unloaders descargadores de carga suelta / a granel (Spanish) Sandra Cifuentes Dowling 
buque madre mother ship (English) Sandra Cifuentes Dowling 
calling tankers buques petroleros que recalen / con recalada (Spanish) Sandra Cifuentes Dowling 
charterer charteador / fletador (Spanish) Sandra Cifuentes Dowling 
containerized reefer cargo carga transportada por buques frigor�ficos en contenedores (Spanish) Sandra Cifuentes Dowling 
content sticker sello / etiqueta del producto (Spanish) Sandra Cifuentes Dowling 
conventional reefer shipping transporte en buques frigor�ficos convencionales (Spanish) Sandra Cifuentes Dowling 
deemed exports transacciones / operaciones asimiladas a las exportaciones (Spanish) Sandra Cifuentes Dowling 
diversion risk riesgo de desv�o / cambio de ruta (Spanish) Sandra Cifuentes Dowling 
dockage and wharfage muellaje (Spanish) Sandra Cifuentes Dowling 
dry certificate certificado de (confirmaci�n de) descarga (Spanish) Sandra Cifuentes Dowling 
ex stocks Computers: Systems, Networks Sandra Cifuentes Dowling 
exchange warehouse bodega de tr�nsito (Spanish) Sandra Cifuentes Dowling 
Fisco-Armada Public Treasury - Navy (English) Sandra Cifuentes Dowling 
forwarder's certificate of receipt FCR Sandra Cifuentes Dowling 
free partiqued (en) libre pl�tica (Spanish) Sandra Cifuentes Dowling 
free pratique (en) libre pl�tica (Spanish) Sandra Cifuentes Dowling 

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